Modern Slavery Statement - 2019

This statement sets out the steps that the Richard Green Group of companies ("Richard Green"), is following to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our business or supply chains and that we are compliant with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

This statement relates to the current financial year – January to December 2019.

Richard Green is an international family run business of great distinction and reputation, with two galleries in the heart of the London art world. The galleries deal in traditional and impressionist paintings of the highest quality from 17th century Dutch and Flemish paintings, through to 20th century post-war paintings.

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our policy is to assess and address these risks of violation. Richard Green will not knowingly support or do business with any person or organisation involved in slavery and/or human trafficking and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships.

Most of our paintings (works of art) are either purchased from the owners or from family estates, this would be directly or via an auction house, and, they are purchased mainly from the UK, Europe and the USA. All purchases are subject to a thorough provenance search, to establish their authenticity and the current owner(s).

Goods and services not for resale provided to our business are predominantly sourced from local or national well-known reputable businesses. We liaise directly with our suppliers and in most instances we have long standing relationships. We have a good level of transparency with our suppliers and are not aware of any (undeclared) subcontracting. This assists in giving us confidence that our supply chains are not exposed to any forms of labour exploitation.

The business employs fewer than 30 staff, a majority of whom have worked for the business for over 20 years. New staff are mainly sourced through well known recruitment companies based in the UK, and, we adhere to a rigorous recruitment process in line with UK employment laws, including 'eligibility to work' and identity checks. All staff are provided with contracts of employment.

When we consider entering into a new relationship with a third party we follow the necessary due diligence to ensure that they are conducting their business ethically and in adherence with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. These investigations include background checks and references. In addition, existing suppliers are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

New supplier contracts that are signed, will include a statement advising suppliers that by signing a contract with us, they are confirming that they have appropriate measures in place to address anti-slavery and human trafficking and are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This includes making their work practices transparent and seeking approval if any subcontracting takes place.

We will be contacting our (larger) suppliers to make sure they are aware of the human rights standards and wider ethical values which we abide by, and, the standards that we expect from them.

We will be providing training to ensure that all Richard Green staff are aware of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the types of modern slavery and human trafficking that can exist. Staff will be provided with internal and external contacts to allow them to relay any concerns that they may have regarding abuse of labour rights and non-compliance with ethical standards, so any appropriate action can be taken.

Richard Green
Executive Chairman
11 March 2019

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