
Jessica Hayllar - Fresh from the greenhouse

Jessica Hayllar

Fresh from the greenhouse

Sophie Anderson - Girl with lilac

Sophie Anderson

Girl with lilac

Benjamin Williams Leader - Water lilies

Benjamin Williams Leader

Water lilies

Carlton Alfred Smith - Saying grace

Carlton Alfred Smith

Saying grace

John Atkinson Grimshaw - The waning glory of the year

John Atkinson Grimshaw

The waning glory of the year

Cecil Kennedy - Crimson Glory roses in glass

Cecil Kennedy

Crimson Glory roses in glass

John Atkinson Grimshaw - A golden idyll

John Atkinson Grimshaw

A golden idyll

Fred Morgan - Hunt the slipper

Fred Morgan

Hunt the slipper

Edward Ladell - Still life with fruit and a bird's nest

Edward Ladell

Still life with fruit and a bird's nest

Sir William Russell Flint - Griselda

Sir William Russell Flint


Arthur E. Grimshaw - Prince's Landing Stage, Liverpool

Arthur E. Grimshaw

Prince's Landing Stage, Liverpool

John Atkinson Grimshaw - Evening at Knostrop

John Atkinson Grimshaw

Evening at Knostrop

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