Still life of a pewter plate of hazelnuts and walnuts, a facon-de-Venise glass of red wine and a Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) on a table top
Nicolaes Claesz Berchem
A halt on the falcon hunt
Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder
A still life of tulips, roses, lily-of-the-valley, forget-me-nots, cyclamen and other flowers in a gilt-mounted Wanli vase, with shells and a pansy on a ledge
Josef van Bredael
A village scene with travellers by a windmill
Josef van Bredael
A winter landscape with a cart and a waggon, a hunter and his dogs and figures skating below a town
Jan Brueghel The Elder
Landscape with travellers
Jan Brueghel The Elder
Orpheus playing to Pluto and Proserpine
Pieter Brueghel The Younger
The Swan Inn: peasants feasting and merrymaking in a village street
Pieter Faes
Still life with a rose, peonies and other flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a bird'snest; Still life with flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a sprig of hydrangea
Willem Claesz Heda
A still life of a rummer of white wine, a mother-of-pearl inlaid knife, a gilt-brass clockwatch with a blue ribbon, a pewter plate with capers, a peeled lemon and a façon-de-Venise wineglass on a table
Cornelis de Heem
Still life of roses, poppies, an iris and other flowers in a glass vase on a stone shelf, with a peeled orange and strawberries in Wanli dish
Jan Davidsz. de Heem
Still life on a wooden table partly covered with a dark green cloth with a peach, grapes, cherries and lemon
Jacob van Hulsdonck
Still life of strawberries and a carnation; Still life of apricots and plums
Franz Christoph Janneck
The painter's studio; The sculptor's studio
Jacob Marrel
Still life of tulips, roses, irises, a narcissus, stocks and other flowers in a blue and white vase, with cherries and a snail on a ledge
Jacob Marrel
A still life of tulips, roses, lily-of-the-valley, anemones, martagon lilies and other flowers in a basket
Jan Mijtens
Portrait of two children in a landscape, with their dog by their side
Jean Baptiste Monnoyer
Flowers in a gilt urn with fruit on a ledge
Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os
Still life of a peony, poppies, an iris, a carnation, hollyhocks and other flowers in a vase, with fruit on a marble ledge in a vase, with fruit on a marble ledge
Jan van Os
Still life of roses, auriculas, an iris, Fritillaria imperialis, a poppy and other flowers in a terracotta vase
Anthonie van Ravesteyn
Portrait of Willem van der Wiele van de Werve (1612-1654), aged fifteen
Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael
A ruined castle gateway, probably the archway of Huis Ter Kleef near Haarlem
Salomon van Ruysdael
A wijdschip and other small Dutch vessels on the Haarlemmermeer, with Heemstede Castle in the distance
Salomon van Ruysdael
Landscape with waggons on a sandy road
Dirck Santvoort
Young girl holding buttercups,with a dog beside her
Godfried Schalcken
Portrait of a girl in a pink dress, with a parrot in a forest landscape
Godfried Schalcken
Portrait of a young lady as the goddess Diana attended by her nymphs, in a forest with a hunting dog
Daniel Seghers
Still life of roses, irises, hyacinths, jasmine and a carnation in a glass vase, with a Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta)
Anne Vallayer-Coster
Vase de fleurs
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