Park Avenue Armory 643 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065, United States
Sophie Anderson
Girl with lilac
Alexei Alexeievich Harlamoff
Girl with a white veil
Montague Dawson
'Taut Sheets'
Montague Dawson
Billowing sails: the clipper Nightingale
Henri Fantin-Latour
Pivoines et boules de neige
Arnoldus Bloemers
Still life with roses, peonies, tulips and other flowers in a vase on a marble ledge
Pieter Faes
Still life with a rose, peonies and other flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a bird'snest; Still life with flowers in a hardstone vase on a marble ledge, with a sprig of hydrangea
John Atkinson Grimshaw
A golden idyll
Jessica Hayllar
Fresh from the greenhouse
Sir John Lavery
The Paisley Lawn Tennis Club
Jacob Marrel
Still life of tulips, roses, irises, a narcissus, stocks and other flowers in a blue and white vase, with cherries and a snail on a ledge
Henri Martin
Mer et rochers
Henri Martin
Lisette cousant dans le jardin de Marquayrol
Jan van Os
Still life of roses, auriculas, an iris, Fritillaria imperialis, a poppy and other flowers in a terracotta vase
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Esquisse de paysage, femme en rouge assise
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Femme dans un paysage, Cagnes
George Romney
Portrait of Caroline Purling (c.1750-1819)
Henriette Ronner-Knip
A basket of mischief
Dorothea Sharp
One o'clock, two o'clock
Carlton Alfred Smith
Saying grace
Emily Young
The Flowering Song of the Troubadour III, 2021
Emily Young
River Torso IV, 2021
Emily Young
Dawn III, 2022
Sir William Russell Flint
Sir William Russell Flint
Tension, Lucenay- Les-Trois-Tours
Sir William Russell Flint
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