
Artworks under £100,000

Duncan Grant - The Gazebo at Charleston

Duncan Grant

The Gazebo at Charleston

Edward Seago - Thames barges assembled at Pin Mill

Edward Seago

Thames barges assembled at Pin Mill

John Frederick Herring Snr - A cow and her calf in stable interior with ducks

John Frederick Herring Snr

A cow and her calf in stable interior with ducks

James Wallace - Autumn in Kensington Gardens

James Wallace

Autumn in Kensington Gardens

Thomas Buttersworth - The Bristol privateer, Caesar, Captain Valentine Baker, engaging a 32-gun French frigate in the Bristol Channel on 27th June 1782

Thomas Buttersworth

The Bristol privateer, Caesar, Captain Valentine Baker, engaging a 32-gun French frigate in the Bristol Channel on 27th June 1782

Edward Seago - The Black Poplar

Edward Seago

The Black Poplar

Mary Fedden - David's lilies

Mary Fedden

David's lilies

Frederick Gore - Landscape near Merindol with distant Alpilles, during the Mistral

Frederick Gore

Landscape near Merindol with distant Alpilles, during the Mistral

Edward Seago - Longshore fishing boats, Suffolk

Edward Seago

Longshore fishing boats, Suffolk

George Elgar Hicks - Osier whitening or withy peeling

George Elgar Hicks

Osier whitening or withy peeling

George Vincent - Fisherfolk and Dutch vessels on Yarmouth beach, beneath the Norfolk Nelson Monument.

George Vincent

Fisherfolk and Dutch vessels on Yarmouth beach, beneath the Norfolk Nelson Monument.

Mary Fedden - Three crocuses

Mary Fedden

Three crocuses

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