
Artworks under £100,000

Duncan Grant - The Gazebo at Charleston

Duncan Grant

The Gazebo at Charleston

Edward Seago - Thames barges assembled at Pin Mill

Edward Seago

Thames barges assembled at Pin Mill

John Frederick Herring Snr - A cow and her calf in stable interior with ducks

John Frederick Herring Snr

A cow and her calf in stable interior with ducks

James Wallace - Autumn in Kensington Gardens

James Wallace

Autumn in Kensington Gardens

Thomas Buttersworth - The Bristol privateer, Caesar, Captain Valentine Baker, engaging a 32-gun French frigate in the Bristol Channel on 27th June 1782

Thomas Buttersworth

The Bristol privateer, Caesar, Captain Valentine Baker, engaging a 32-gun French frigate in the Bristol Channel on 27th June 1782

Edward Seago - The Black Poplar

Edward Seago

The Black Poplar

Mary Fedden - David's lilies

Mary Fedden

David's lilies

Frederick Gore - Landscape near Merindol with distant Alpilles, during the Mistral

Frederick Gore

Landscape near Merindol with distant Alpilles, during the Mistral

Edward Seago - Longshore fishing boats, Suffolk

Edward Seago

Longshore fishing boats, Suffolk

George Elgar Hicks - Osier whitening or withy peeling

George Elgar Hicks

Osier whitening or withy peeling

George Vincent - Fisherfolk and Dutch vessels on Yarmouth beach, beneath the Norfolk Nelson Monument.

George Vincent

Fisherfolk and Dutch vessels on Yarmouth beach, beneath the Norfolk Nelson Monument.

Mary Fedden - Three crocuses

Mary Fedden

Three crocuses

Sir William Russell Flint - Griselda

Sir William Russell Flint


Josef van Bredael - A village scene with travellers by a windmill

Josef van Bredael

A village scene with travellers by a windmill

Josef van Bredael - A winter landscape with a cart and a waggon, a hunter and his dogs and figures skating below a town

Josef van Bredael

A winter landscape with a cart and a waggon, a hunter and his dogs and figures skating below a town

Archibald Thorburn - Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on a moor

Archibald Thorburn

Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on a moor

Edward Seago - Norfolk landscape

Edward Seago

Norfolk landscape

Ernest Crofts - The Funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria on 2nd February 1901

Ernest Crofts

The Funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria on 2nd February 1901

Paul Feiler - Cornish beach

Paul Feiler

Cornish beach

Charles Garabed Atamian - On the beach

Charles Garabed Atamian

On the beach

Ken Howard - Artist and model at St Clement's studio

Ken Howard

Artist and model at St Clement's studio

Arthur E. Grimshaw - Prince's Landing Stage, Liverpool

Arthur E. Grimshaw

Prince's Landing Stage, Liverpool

James Seymour - A Match on the Downs with a grey beating the Duke of Bolton's chestnut

James Seymour

A Match on the Downs with a grey beating the Duke of Bolton's chestnut

Thomas Smythe - Horses and ponies outside an inn, with travellers resting; A winter scene with a woodcutter outside a cottage

Thomas Smythe

Horses and ponies outside an inn, with travellers resting; A winter scene with a woodcutter outside a cottage

Benjamin Williams Leader - Water lilies

Benjamin Williams Leader

Water lilies

Carlton Alfred Smith - Saying grace

Carlton Alfred Smith

Saying grace

Heywood Hardy - Refreshments at a wayside inn

Heywood Hardy

Refreshments at a wayside inn

Cecil Kennedy - Crimson Glory roses in glass

Cecil Kennedy

Crimson Glory roses in glass

Cecil Kennedy - Silvery urn of mixed flowers

Cecil Kennedy

Silvery urn of mixed flowers

Campbell A. Mellon - The yacht pond, Gorleston

Campbell A. Mellon

The yacht pond, Gorleston

Dominic Serres - Vice-Admiral Parker's action with the Dutch Fleet on the Dogger Bank,5th August 1781

Dominic Serres

Vice-Admiral Parker's action with the Dutch Fleet on the Dogger Bank,5th August 1781

Charles Towne - Mr Thomas Ewart's bay racehorse held by a trainer in the grounds of his country house, Everton

Charles Towne

Mr Thomas Ewart's bay racehorse held by a trainer in the grounds of his country house, Everton

Sophie Anderson - Girl with lilac

Sophie Anderson

Girl with lilac

Archibald Thorburn - Cock and hen pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in an open landscape

Archibald Thorburn

Cock and hen pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in an open landscape

Archibald Thorburn - Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on the road

Archibald Thorburn

Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on the road

Archibald Thorburn - Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on the moor

Archibald Thorburn

Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on the moor

John Maclauchlan Milne - Cherry blossom, Corrie

John Maclauchlan Milne

Cherry blossom, Corrie

Mary Fedden - Petunias, pansy & crocus

Mary Fedden

Petunias, pansy & crocus

Edward Seago - The gleam

Edward Seago

The gleam

Emily Young - Chthonic Head I, 2023

Emily Young

Chthonic Head I, 2023

Emily Young - Clastic Crystal Head I, 2022

Emily Young

Clastic Crystal Head I, 2022

Emily Young - River Torso IV, 2021

Emily Young

River Torso IV, 2021

Emily Young - Dawn III, 2022

Emily Young

Dawn III, 2022

Emily Young - River Torso V, 2021

Emily Young

River Torso V, 2021

Emily Young - The Flowering Song of the Troubadour III, 2021

Emily Young

The Flowering Song of the Troubadour III, 2021

Patrick Caulfield - Brown jug

Patrick Caulfield

Brown jug

Emily Young - Solar Disc IV / III, 2011

Emily Young

Solar Disc IV / III, 2011

Sir William Russell Flint - Cecilia

Sir William Russell Flint


Sir William Russell Flint - Tension, Lucenay- Les-Trois-Tours

Sir William Russell Flint

Tension, Lucenay- Les-Trois-Tours

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