The Bristol privateer, Caesar, Captain Valentine Baker, engaging a 32-gun French frigate in the Bristol Channel on 27th June 1782
Edward Seago
The Black Poplar
Mary Fedden
David's lilies
Frederick Gore
Landscape near Merindol with distant Alpilles, during the Mistral
Edward Seago
Longshore fishing boats, Suffolk
George Elgar Hicks
Osier whitening or withy peeling
George Vincent
Fisherfolk and Dutch vessels on Yarmouth beach, beneath the Norfolk Nelson Monument.
Mary Fedden
Three crocuses
Sir William Russell Flint
Josef van Bredael
A village scene with travellers by a windmill
Josef van Bredael
A winter landscape with a cart and a waggon, a hunter and his dogs and figures skating below a town
Archibald Thorburn
Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on a moor
Edward Seago
Norfolk landscape
Ernest Crofts
The Funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria on 2nd February 1901
Paul Feiler
Cornish beach
Charles Garabed Atamian
On the beach
Ken Howard
Artist and model at St Clement's studio
Arthur E. Grimshaw
Prince's Landing Stage, Liverpool
James Seymour
A Match on the Downs with a grey beating the Duke of Bolton's chestnut
Thomas Smythe
Horses and ponies outside an inn, with travellers resting; A winter scene with a woodcutter outside a cottage
Benjamin Williams Leader
Water lilies
Carlton Alfred Smith
Saying grace
Heywood Hardy
Refreshments at a wayside inn
Cecil Kennedy
Crimson Glory roses in glass
Cecil Kennedy
Silvery urn of mixed flowers
Campbell A. Mellon
The yacht pond, Gorleston
Dominic Serres
Vice-Admiral Parker's action with the Dutch Fleet on the Dogger Bank,5th August 1781
Charles Towne
Mr Thomas Ewart's bay racehorse held by a trainer in the grounds of his country house, Everton
Sophie Anderson
Girl with lilac
Archibald Thorburn
Cock and hen pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in an open landscape
Archibald Thorburn
Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on the road
Archibald Thorburn
Red grouse (Lagopus scoticus) on the moor
John Maclauchlan Milne
Cherry blossom, Corrie
Mary Fedden
Petunias, pansy & crocus
Edward Seago
The gleam
Emily Young
Chthonic Head I, 2023
Emily Young
Clastic Crystal Head I, 2022
Emily Young
River Torso IV, 2021
Emily Young
Dawn III, 2022
Emily Young
River Torso V, 2021
Emily Young
The Flowering Song of the Troubadour III, 2021
Patrick Caulfield
Brown jug
Emily Young
Solar Disc IV / III, 2011
Sir William Russell Flint
Sir William Russell Flint
Tension, Lucenay- Les-Trois-Tours
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